The ancient Egyptians used the term PR.NTR, Per-Neter, for pyramid. Egyptologists have translated 'Neter' as 'God' or 'Goddess,' and other versions of the translation also include the word or concept of 'energy.' Both translations are true and describe the same thing. While ‘Per-Neter’ emphasized the religious and divine aspects of these structures as ‘houses of the gods’, they also used the word ‘Mr’ or ‘Mir’ as a more general term for ‘pyramid’. Later in this article, you will see why this is interesting.
The Mesoamerican pyramid named 'Teotihuacán,' in Nahuatl-speaking Aztec, means 'The birthplace of the Gods.' Thus, two unconnected cultures (according to the mainstream) named their pyramidal structures after the same concept.
The Chinese Emperor Qin, in his quest for immortality, built a pyramid. The story is that the emperor was searching for the famous elixir of immortality, some might know it as the 'philosopher's stone,' the Nectar, the Soma drink, etc. His people couldn't find the correct ingredients or herbs; he wanted to live at least 10,000 years to oversee his empire. After a while, it seems that he understood the secret and built a pyramid.
That makes three unconnected cultures (according to the mainstream) on three different continents that built pyramids for the same purpose.
The word 'pyramid' is derived from the Greek words 'PYRAMIS' and 'PYRAMIDOS.' The term 'Pyramidos' has been translated as 'Fire in The Middle.' Prometheus bestowed upon humans the sacred fire; many interpret this as fire or technology, but that could not make us equal to the 'Gods.' The true significance lies in the inner fire, knowledge, inner energy, spirit, light, and Kundalini energy! If you awaken your Kundalini, you can achieve immortality, thus becoming equal to the 'gods.' Consequently, Zeus severely punished Prometheus for his actions.
The Greek meaning of ‘Fire in the Middle’ and the Hindu concept of Kundalini align perfectly because our inner fire is dormant exactly in the middle of our body, or in the root chakra known as Muladhara chakra, representing the material reality. Additionally, this concept of Kundalini perfectly aligns with Jewish mysticism's Merkabah or the chariot and the Kabbalistic concept of the 10 sefirot. Furthermore, if you read my articles on Patreon, you will find the direct connection between the concept of the soul in Ancient Egypt, which is divided into 9 parts, and directly aligns with the 10 Sefirot in the Kabbalah. The article on Patreon.
So, in the Hermetic teachings, you need to separate the fire from the gross matter if you want to achieve enlightenment. That means you need to separate your soul from your body. In Kundalini, this is represented as the raising of the serpent through the seven chakras. In Egypt, this means merging the spirit Ba with the life force Ka through the serpent Nehebkau, and this is directly connected to the concept of Mer-KA-BA, which is the chariot that will take you to the throne of 'God'. The Egyptian and Jewish concepts are practically the same; the Merkabah chariot is the merged spirit Ba with the life force Ka. If we divide the word Mer-Ka-Bah, we have 'Mer' for pyramid. Remember, at the beginning of this article, I mentioned that the Egyptians used the word 'Mr' for pyramid, 'Ba' for the spirit, and 'Ka' for the life force.
Watch this video.
Also, the Merkabah chariot is represented by two merged pyramids creating the 6-pointed star, which signifies achieving perfect equilibrium of the divine feminine and masculine energies. The same symbol is present in Hinduism and is known as Shatkona; the pyramid pointed downwards represents the divine feminine energy, and the pyramid pointing upwards represents the divine masculine energy.
So, the Greek understanding of the pyramids and their purpose was similar to that of the previous three cultures in China, Egypt, and Mesoamerica, and we know that the Greeks learned and inherited many things from ancient Egyptian culture. Additionally, the same concept is present in Jewish mysticism, Hinduism, and Tantra.
With the burning of the ancient Egyptian libraries, such as the one in Alexandria, we lost most of this knowledge. In my opinion, this was done intentionally, but fear not; the knowledge was preserved by the powerful families and I have written a few posts and articles about this.
Now let’s start connecting more dots; the birth of Alchemy is considered to be in ancient Egypt, Sumer, India, and China. Later, the craft was preserved by the Israelites and Arab cultures. One of the main ingredients in alchemy is liquid Mercury. The history of alchemy and its development is very complex, so I will stick to the main point.
It was considered that Mercury is one of the ingredients in creating the philosopher's stone that can grant you immortality. And remember, Emperor Qin from China built a pyramid to achieve immortality. So how does Mercury connect to the pyramids?
The pyramid in China
Well, under the pyramid in China, they found a large amount of liquid mercury. But what's even more interesting is that large amounts of liquid mercury were found under the pyramids in Mesoamerica too (Teotihuacán). Here are the sources, Mesoamerica,
China .
Before we dive into the more practical use of mercury in the pyramids, it’s good to point out the connection to gold. Mercury is used to extract gold from the ore (natural rock with valuable metal). Once you crush the ore, you pour liquid mercury. Mercury forms an amalgam with gold, meaning it binds with the gold particles to form a solid amalgam. The amalgam is then heated in order to vaporize the mercury. This leaves behind the gold in its pure form. The esoteric teachings use this symbolism for mercury, in a sense that mercury is used to extract your soul (gold) from the materialistic matter or your body (ore) to achieve enlightenment.
So, to find out the real use for mercury, I should mention that the pyramids had electromagnetic properties. There was a recent study conducted by scientists about the electromagnetic properties and resonance features of the pyramids. Here’s a link to the study:
If we take into consideration the electromagnetic theories of consciousness, consciousness can be understood as an electromagnetic phenomenon. In ancient wisdom, the word for 'consciousness' is the soul, which in Ancient Egypt is divided into 9 parts; some of those parts are Ba and Ka. You can read my article on Patreon about this and the connection to the manifestation of Ein Sof in 10 Sefirot and the 7 Chakras in Hinduism.
Imagine the pyramid’s mercury pools amplifying these energies, which then interact with the human body’s own electromagnetic field. This interaction could potentially align with the brain’s quantum field, influencing cognition and consciousness. The pyramid, acting as a colossal resonator, has been designed to harmonize with the brain’s quantum waves and electromagnetic properties of the human body, inducing altered states of consciousness or even tapping into the collective unconscious—a concept proposed by Carl Jung—or connecting to the higher states of the soul, merging the spirit Ba with the life force Ka (which has electromagnetic properties) and achieving enlightenment.
The geometry and materials of the pyramid itself could have acted as amplifiers or resonators for these electromagnetic energies, acting as rectifiers by spinning the mercury in the chambers and generating a magnetic field through a process known as the geodynamo. This might have created the perfect condition for humans inside the pyramid to achieve enlightenment while they are alive. The pyramids were intended to be used by living humans.
So, in a sense, the vortex of Mercury created the perfect conditions to separate the soul (gold) from the body (ore) and catapult it with the speed of light into the realm of the 'afterlife,' seeking to achieve enlightenment while the person is meditating inside the chambers of the pyramid.
This is also present in the stories of Hinduism and the celestial vehicles known as Vimanas; they also used mercury and look like large temples in the form of pyramids. What’s more interesting is perhaps this concept was used by multiple people at once, creating a vehicle that takes the souls into the higher celestial realms.
In my opinion, the ziggurat structures in Sumer had the same purpose. Remember, the Tower of Babel was destroyed by the 'Gods' so humans couldn’t become equal with them. A very similar story occurred when Zeus punished Prometheus for giving the gift of inner fire that could make humans equal to the 'Gods'.
That's why many temples have a similar structure to pyramids or have spires and cone-shaped tops; they are even present in the temples of modern religions.
The special frequencies detected around and inside the Pyramids have been observed even in modern times. Andrija Puharich, a pioneer in medical research on electrobiology and extrasensory abilities of the brain, measured the 8Hz frequency inside the pyramid and claimed that it had a healing effect on his body, mind, and soul.
The importance of fine-tuning the body on a specific frequency is further corroborated by the closely monitored project of the CIA and the Monroe Institute known as the Gateway Experience, which is designed to induce an out-of-body experience, enter the astral non-physical realm, and engage in remote viewing, among other abilities. Right at the beginning of the session, a certain frequency is emitted through the headphones to align the electromagnetic waves of the brain. Furthermore, the project uses humming noise, much like the Hindu chant OM (AUM), which is connected to Amen (Amon) and Christian chants as well, to further fine-tune the acoustic resonance of the body.
Also, in the same project, the subject is repeating utterances for protection from evil spirits and seeking guidance from more powerful, good-willed spirits, while also stating that the intentions for the out-of-body experience are good and pure, akin to the practices found in the pyramid texts and other religions during prayer.
But this is more than just a theory. The pyramid texts found in the stepped pyramid at Saqqara confirm that their purpose was to enable the transformation of the human soul into an Akh, or to aid in the merging of the spirit Ba with the life force Ka to achieve immortality or godlike status.
These texts, intended only for the pharaohs, were filled with spells or utterances meant to be chanted by the reciters while alive. They contained numerous action verbs such as "fly" and "leap," describing the pharaohs' journey to the afterlife. The spells detailed various methods of travel, including ramps, stairs, ladders, and most significantly, flying—directly corresponding with the flying chariot of the Mer-Ka-Bah, the ‘Stairways to Heaven,’ and the 33 masonic steps, or Jacob’s Ladder.
Moreover, the spells could call upon the gods for assistance, even threatening them if they did not comply. It was common for the pyramid texts to be written in the first person, emphasizing the personal connection between the pharaoh and the gods. The texts were also used to guide the pharaoh through the ‘Halls of Amenti’ and ensure that he reached his destination among the stars.
And this info entirely corresponds with the steps for enlightenment that I’ve shared in my exclusive article on Patreon.
So, to summarize this lengthy text, which could be even longer, but I'm sure many will not read it: the pyramids and the ancient temples served as natural technological devices that shielded and created perfect electromagnetic conditions to aid the meditator in achieving enlightenment, tapping into higher dimensions, and merging with the higher parts of the soul up to the Keter/Ankh/Sahasrara chakra, reaching heaven, and attaining immortality. Every ancient religion revolves around this concept of self-spirituality.
Really, it would help you grasp these concepts more easily if you read my posts on 'Patreon'. I understand it's subscription-based, but they are available in all tiers, and your support will help me continue with this research. Additionally, if you wish, you can support me with one-time donations on 'Buy me a Coffee.'
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