When we start dreaming, we create an entire materialistic world out of nothing. Inside, we have our own body, just like in the 'real' world. Everything functions, and sometimes we even learn something new while dreaming. Our dream universe might be very complex, with physical laws. Sometimes we can break those laws; we can feel physical and emotional pain. Yet, when we wake up, everything is gone, and we realize that it was just an illusion.
So how can we create an entire universe out of nothing? Or do we tap into the same source that creates our own materialistic reality? It's my opinion that we live in the materialistic illusion, an opinion that can be found in ancient texts and religions. In Hinduism and Buddhism, the illusion is called Maya. In Hinduism, Maya is considered the illusory power that veils the true nature of reality, leading individuals to perceive the world as separate from the ultimate reality, Brahman.
According to the Vedas, everything is created by the vibration of OM (AUM), the sacred sound. Indeed, today's science can agree that everything vibrates and has its own frequency. According to String Theory, the universe is composed of minuscule vibrating strings that, by resonating at various frequencies, give rise to the reality we observe, including the existence of multiple dimensions beyond our familiar three spatial dimensions and one time dimension.
But setting aside String Theory, which still can’t be tested let's consider the double-slit experiment in Quantum Mechanics:
Everything consists of tiny particles, essentially waves without solid form. When you observe or measure them with intention, they transform into physical particles. The ancients understood this, recognizing the materialistic realm as an illusion created by formless energy.
Otherwise, how could this materialistic world emerge from nothing? It's impossible for something to come from nothing. What is conceivable is that formless energy is infinite, creating all realms up to the physical world, aligning with both Kabbalah and Tantric teachings.
We exist in the denser lower realm; above us are different realities where some non-human intelligence resides. Despite these differences, we all originate from the same source, and it's possible for anyone to access higher realms.
The entire universe, with all its dimensions, is within us, and we can access it through our soul/spirit/energy, which is embedded within our DNA. The DNA exhibits tiny vibrations at the nanoscale, and today scientists can already manipulate DNA by using electromagnetic waves, including visible light.
According to the hermetic teachings the vibration of Spirit is at such an infinite rate of intensity and rapidity that it is practically at rest–just as a rapidly moving wheel seems to be motionless. And at the other end of the scale, there are gross forms of matter whose vibrations are so low as to seem at rest.
The 'Wheel of the Law' dharmachakra is the single most important symbol of Buddhism, denoting the Buddha's First Sermon in the forest at Sarnath, where he set Buddhist Law (dharma) in motion. In Vedic Sanskrit, it means to hold, to keep, to support, or 'what is established or firm' DNA is the eternal law of the cosmos, inherent in the very nature of things – a kind of fundamental substance that holds everything.
The Dharmachakra symbol and the intertwined serpent, which are indeed representations of DNA, along with the Sun and the Moon, clearly show what you need to do to change the frequencies of your DNA and ascend. It also signifies the equilibrium of divine feminine and masculine energy.
From the 'Gospel of Thomas' (1900-year-old Gnostic text):
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will you enter the kingdom.
According to the Hermetic teachings, there are multiple planes of existence; among them are the physical plane, the mental plane, and the spiritual plane. Each of those planes has seven sub-planes. In the Kybalion, humans are placed somewhere between the fourth and fifth sub-plane of the mental plane. They claim that before us, there were multiple other 'species' that ascended the same path, they are so evolved that we can't perceive them.
That means there are more evolved entities around us that necessarily see us as unworthy of communication. Also, that could mean that we are controlled by those entities. The most powerful plane of existence is the spiritual plane, and it is beyond our comprehension; it's the plane of the deities. But every plane of existence derives from the one. So even the deities and the gods are not the one true form. In the Kabbalah, the one is called the infinite Ein Sof; in the Gnostic texts, it's the Monad; in the Vedas, it's Brahman. The Hermetic texts are calling it the unmanifested God. In modern terms, we could say it's the infinite consciousness from which everything derives.
In this photo, we can see two species called Nagas and Jinns. The Nagas in Hinduism and Buddhism are more evolved species that once lived in our plane of existence, but now they reside in another plane that we cannot perceive. It's the same with the Jinns in the Arabian and Islamic tradition. They are both more evolved and powerful than us, and just like humans, they can be both good and bad. It's possible that our reality is manipulated by these higher forms called jinns, archons, demons, nagas, devas, asuras, aliens etc. It's certain that some of them don't want humans to be able to ascend, and they want to keep us spiritually blinded.
This is the group from the Gnostic point of view https://youtu.be/CZp04UlI6VQ This is a complex reality, and the UAP phenomenon is explained in ancient wisdom, and remember everything is connected.
I will expand on this further in my future posts; of course, this is just my opinion. Thanks for reading. Please join my email list so you can receive my posts in your inbox for free. As it stands right now, X/Twitter has significantly reduced my reach.
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